Access Nonprofit Center
Carousel Developmental Service is an early intervention and family service agency designed to meet the needs of infants and toddlers with disabilities or at risk of developing a delay and their families. Their mission is to encourage, support, and educate families and communities to create healthy environments where infants and toddlers with special needs thrive.
The Early Start program is California's early intervention program for infants and toddlers with disabilities and their families. Early Start services are available statewide and are provided in a coordinated, family-centered system.
Get a better understanding of IPP, Early Intervention programs and much more.
Foothill Family offers an array of services to support parents and their children from pre-natal stages to age five. From parent education and home-visits during pregnancy, from developmental assessments and child care partnerships, Foothill Family’s 0-5 programs can help you and your baby grow together!
Programs that can empower more families;
starting with the mother. MOMMY MATTERS.
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